MCQ Question on Competitive English

State PSC বা পাবলিক সার্ভিস কমিশন দ্বারা যে পরীক্ষাগুলি পরিচালিত হয় তার মধ্যে বেশীরভাগ পরীক্ষায় ইংরেজি থেকে ২০ থেকে ৩০টি প্রশ্ন বরাদ্দ থাকে। আসন্ন পরীক্ষার জন্য খুব গুরুত্বপূর্ণ কিছু প্রশ্ন এবং উত্তর MCQ Question on Competitive English শেয়ার করা হয়েছে।

MCQ Question on Competitive English

বর্তমানে প্রায় প্রত্যেকটি পরীক্ষায় ইংরেজি বিষয়টি থেকে কঠিন থেকে কঠিনতম  প্রশ্ন পড়তে দেখা যায়। পিএসসি পরীক্ষাগুলিতে যে প্রশ্ন গুলি সেট করে সেগুলি শুধু যে কঠিন টা কিন্তু নয় তার সাথে সাথে পরিক্ষা হলের মধ্যে ওই শর্ট সময়ের মধ্যে কিছু প্রশ্নের ধরণ এমন করে যে সবাইকে কনফিউজড করে দেয়।

তাই সেই কঠিন প্রশ্নগুলি যদি আমাদের জানা থাকে তাহলে সেই প্রশ্নগুলি আর কঠিন থাকে না, তখন সহজ হয়ে যায় সবার কাছে। আমরা এই অংশে কিছু গুরুত্বপূর্ণ প্রশ্নের সমাধান ( MCQ Question on Competitive English ) আপনাদের সাথে শেয়ার করছি। একটি প্রশ্নও স্কিপ করবেন না, পরীক্ষা হলেই বসে বুঝতে পারবেন এই প্রশ্নগুলি আপনাকে কতটা সাহায্য করে।

MCQ Question on Competitive English

প্রশ্নগুলির উত্তর বোল্ড করে দেওয়া হলো । MCQ Question on Competitive English এই সেটটিতে  যদি কোনো প্রশ্নের উত্তর নিয়ে কিছু সংশয় থাকে বা কিছু বলার থাকে তাহলে নিচের কমেন্ট বক্সে জানাবেন।

1. He was successful ____ completing the job within four days.
a. On
b. In
c. With
d. Of

2. Find the word which has the same meaning as ‘commence’.
a. Announce
b. Commend
c. Begin
d. Comment

3. Complete the idiom by choosing the right word.
When Deepak could not solve the problem, he decided to give ____.
a. Off
b. Up
c. Out
d. Back

4. The man was so ____ that he believed that God Himself had drunk the milk offered.
a. Credible
b. Creditable
c. Credulous
d. Incredible

5. He rushed to the hospital after he _____ the news.
a. Has heard
b. Has been heard
c. Has been hearing
d. Had heard

6. Turn into indirect speech.
He said to me, ‘I have never seen such a brilliant boy in my life.’

a. That I have never seen such a brilliant boy in my life, he said to me.
b. Such a brilliant boy was never seen in my life, he told me.
c. The boy was so brilliant that he had never seen the like of him.
d. He told me that he had never seen such a brilliant boy in his life.

7. Change from passive to active voice.
The crazy girl was laughed at.

a. They laughed at the crazy girl.
b. At the crazy girl they laughed.
c. They were laughed at by the crazy girl.
d. The crazy girl laughed at them.

8. A plant that grows in hot-dry regions covered in spined but without leaves is calleda. Creeper
b. Cactus
c. Eucalyptus
d. Sugarcane

9. Antonym of ‘attack’:
a. Fight
b. Return
c. Defend
d. Pounce

10. Synonym of ‘enormous’:
a. Famous
b. Normal
c. Incongruous
d. Huge

11. A _____ is a person who gets things secretly and illegally into or out of a
a. Importer
b. Criminal
c. Smuggler
d. Exporter

12. Find out the appropriate word that befits the underlined part of the sentence.
The handkerchief was turned into a bird by the magician.
a. Stuffed
b. Put
c. Transformed
d. Puffed

13. He was too preoccupied ____ his studies to think of other matters.
a. With
b. In
c. At
d. On

14. Change into passive voice.
The boys are flying kites in the sky.

a. Kites are flying in the sky by the boys.
b. In the sky, kites are flown by the boys.
c. Kites are being flown by the boys in the sky.
d. The flying of kites in the sky is done by the boys.

15. The tired hawker sat ____ the tree.
a. Up
b. In
c. From
d. Under

16. Sita and Meera quarrelled ______ themselves.
a. Among
b. Between
c. With
d. For

17. Replace with phrasal verb.
He decided to visit him at his home.
a. Call for
b. Call on
c. Call up
d. Call off

18. Ram was good ____ Chemistry.
a. At
b. With
c. About
d. Over

19. Change the following sentence into an interrogative sentence:
You have had your dinner.

a. Had you have your dinner?
b. Have you had your dinner?
c. What about your dinner, did you have it?
d. Did you have your dinner?

20. Rita’s mother did not approve ____ her returning home so late at night.
a. For
b. On
c. To
d. Of

21. Neither Lata nor Sujata ____ present in class on 14th October.
a. Were
b. Are
c. Was
d. Have been

22. All ____ Alok were present during the meeting.
a. Except
b. Expect
c. Exceed
d. Accept

23. Choose the correct spelling.
a. Exaggerate
b. Exagarate
c. Exaggarate
d. Exagerate

24. Synonym of ‘essential’:
a. Unimportant
b. Irrelevant
c. Essence
d. Vita

25. Complete the idiom:
The old lady was murdered in cold ____.
a. Ice
b. Water
c. Blood
d. Milk

26. The policeman seized him _____ his arm and led him away.
a. By
b. With
c. At
d. On

27. Choose the correct spelling.
a. Hyphanated
b. Hyphennated
c. Hyphannated
d. Hyphenated

28. Complete the idiom:
His old shoes have stood him in good ____ in his travels.
a. Stead
b. Years
c. Price
d. Manner

29. The examiner could not understand the candidate’s handwriting because it
was ______.
a. Distinct
b. Shining
c. Stylish
d. Illegible

30. Replace the underlined word.
The time allowed for the work should have been adequate.

a. Indefinite
b. Subsequent
c. Efficient
d. Sufficient


31. The cat sneaked in and sat ____ the little girl.
a. Under
b. Besides
c. Into
d. Beside

32. Complete the idiom:
He moved heaven and ____ to get bail for his friend.
a. Hell
b. Sky
c. Cosmos
d. Earth

33. Find out the correct sentence from the list below.
a. The behaviour of the children were not up to the mark.
b. The behaviour of the children was not up to the mark.
c. The behaviours of the children was not up to the mark.
d. The behaviours of the children were not up to the mark.

34. Change from active to passive voice.
The tutor taught Ronny Mathematics for two years.
a. Ronny was taught by the tutor Mathematics for two years.
b. Mathematics was taught for Ronny by the tutor for two years.
c. Ronny was taught Mathematics by the tutor for two years.
d. Ronny was taught by the tutor for two years, Mathematics.

35. Change from active to passive voice.
The society will help the poor children with money.
a. The poor children will be helped by the society with money.
b. The society will be helped by the poor children with money.
c. The poor children will receive help from the society with money.
d. The poor children will help the society with money.

36. Have you heard that Mr Basu ____ the Chairman of the Executive Committee?
a. Had been appointed
b. Were appointed
c. Was been appointed
d. Has been appointed

37. Complete the idiom:
The women in the country fought tooth and _____ for liberation.
a. Tongue
b. Mouth
c. Nail
d. Hand

38. Neither of the two brothers Ramesh and Suresh ____ found suitable for the job
at the interview held yesterday.
a. Were
b. Are
c. Was
d. Have been

39. Antonym of ‘dangerous’:
a. Terrible
b. Quiet
c. Safe
d. Gentle

40. By the time we reached home the rain _____.
a. Has stopped
b. Had stopped
c. Had been stopped
d. Was stopping

41. Complete the idiom:
She could not make up her ____ about what to buy.
a. Decision
b. Logic
c. Mind
d. Heart

42. Choose the correct spelling.
a. Ambitious
b. Ambitous
c. Ambicious
d. Ambiteous

43. A list of _____ candidates for the admission test has been put up on the noticeboard.
a. Illegible
b. Honourable
c. Eligible
d. Ideal

44. OWS: a boy who frightens weaker boys
a. Tramp
b. Bully
c. Hypocrite
d. Trespasser

45. Choose the correct spelling.
a. Satellite
b. Satalite
c. Satallite
d. Satelite

46. The government punished him because of his _____ activities.
a. Illegal
b. Antisocial
c. Charitable
d. Shameful

47. Change from passive to active voice.
Many things may be accomplished by a little effort.
a. They may accomplish many things by little effort.
b. They can accomplish many things by little effort.
c. One may accomplish by little effort many things.
d. One may accomplish many things by a little effort

48. The deer is afraid ____ the tiger.
a. From
b. By
c. For
d. Of

49. Change the following statement into an interrogative sentence.
She had time to finish all the questions.
a. Do you think that she did have time to finish all the questions?
b. Had she no time to finish all the questions?
c. Did she manage to finish all the questions?
d. Had she time to finish all the questions?

50. Synonym of ‘cautious’:
a. Peaceful
b. Wise
c. Careful
d. Courageous

51. Synonym of ‘esteem’:
a. Respect
b. Enmity
d. Famous

52. Early to bed and early to rise ____ a man healthy, wealthy and wise.
a. Make
b. Made
c. Have made
d. Makes

53. An action which is most difficult and almost impossible to explain is ______.
a. Unavoidable
b. Inexplicable
c. Indescribable
d. Incoherent

54. The Emperor Akbar ruled ____ a vast kingdom.
a. With
b. Over
c. On
d. By

55. Ratna’s mother is _____, she can’t even sign her name.
a. Literate
b. Strange
c. Illiterate
d. Deaf

56. The man seems ____ because he frequently laughs loudly for no reason.
a. Happy
b. Cheerful
c. Abnormal
d. Admirable

57. Ratan entered the room and looked _____ the painting on the wall.
a. At
b. Down
c. Up
d. In

58. We buy meat from a _____.
a. Green grocer
b. Butcher
c. Broker
d. Baker

59. Amit’s story about ghosts and witches is not _____.
a. Believable
b. Strange
c. Wild
d. Relevant

60. Replace the underlined part of the sentence.
When buying a gift one should keep in mind the person’s likes and dislikes.
a. Invent
b. Ignore
c. Think about
d. Admire

61. I left college ___ the age of twenty four.
a. In
b. By
c. At
d. About

62. Walk slowly lest you ____ fall.
a. Would
b. Should
c. Must
d. Could

63. The ____ of Everest by Tenzing Norgay is remembered by everyone.
a. Assent
b. Ascent
c. Ascend
d. Accent

64. Basu is blind ____ the left eye.
a. In
b. Of
c. At
d. By

65. Many a man ____ drowned in the sea.
a. Was
b. Are
c. Have
d. Have been

66. Why you argue without knowing the right fact?
Choose the correct word order from the alternatives given.

a. Why do you argue without knowing the right fact?
b. Why you do argue without knowing the right fact?
c. Why have you argue without knowing the right fact?
d. Why you have the argue without knowing the right fact?

67. Synonym of ‘rustic’:
a. Uneducated
b. Uncouth
c. Unfamiliar
d. Unsophisticated

68. Give the opposite of the given word by adding a suitable prefix.
a. Nonmanage
b. Mismanage
c. Ex-manage
d. Post-manage

69. State the function of the sentence choosing from the alternatives given.
He is holding a high position because he always worked hard.
a. Stating a fact
b. Giving information
c. Stating a cause
d. Suggesting

70. The romantic life in Kashmir was drawing to its end after three glorious
This sentence is an example ofa. Past indefinite
b. Past perfect continuous
c. Past perfect
d. Past continuous

71. Someone suddenly knocked the door.The correct form of the sentence will be

a. Someone suddenly knocked at the door.
b. Someone suddenly knocked in the door.
c. Someone suddenly knocked about the door.
d. Someone suddenly knocked over the door.

72. Synonym of ‘abolish’:
a. Kill
b. Cancel
c. Sustain
d. Collapse

73. Find the correctly spelt word.
a. Conglomaration
b. Conglommaration
c. Conglommeration
d. Conglomeration

74. Either Abdul or Amin have stolen the watch.
Correct the error.
a. Were
b. Is
c. Are
d. Has

75. We felt that suck a remark was in ____ taste.
a. Praiseworthy
b. Foul
c. Bad
d. Insensitive

76. Correct spelling
a. Oportunity
b. Opurtunity
c. Opportunity
d. Oppurtunity

77. Replace with idiom/ phrase
The police were misled and they returned after a hopeless search.
a. A wild goose chase
b. Ups and downs
c. Up and doing
d. Pros and cons

78. _____ you have the best of luck.
a. May
b. Might
c. Dare
d. Will

79. Antonym of ‘comfortable’”
a. Uncomfortable
b. Incomfortable
c. Discomfortable
d. Noncomfortable

80. Sir Humphry Davy was apprenticed ____ an apothecary at the age of fifteen.
a. Into
b. To
c. With
d. Along

81. Leaves is to leaf as wolves is to

b. Wolve
c. Dogs
d. Wolverine

82. ‘Transform’ meansa.

a. reate
b. Change
c. Consider
d. Contact

83. Choose the correctly spelt word.
a. Forfeet
b. Forgeit
c. Forfeit
d. Fourfit

84. Find the correct sentence.
a. His both sisters are married
b. Both sisters of him are married.
c. His both of the sisters are married.
d. Both of his sisters are married.

85. My father is ____ L.L.B.
a. A
b. An
c. The
d. In

86. Replace with a phrasal verb.
Raja Rammohan Roy tried to abolish ‘sati’, an inhuman custom of nineteenth
century Bengal.
a. Put up with
b. Do away with
c. Make away with
d. Keep up with

87. Considering her qualification and social standing she is the most ____ bride
they are looking for.
a. Illegible
b. Affable
c. Intelligible
d. Eligible

88. Man, thou are ____ wonderful animal!
a. The
b. A
c. An
d. From

89. Replace with idiom/ phrase:
The participants arrived at the last moment.
a. At one’s elbow
b. At arm’s length
c. At the eleventh hour
d. At present

90. Bread and butter _____ my favourite food.
a. Is
b. Are
c. Has
d. mine

91. Synonym of ‘adequate’:
a. Sufficient
b. Square
c. Concrete
d. Hard

92. Antonym of ‘natural’:
a. Artificial
b. Normal
c. Chemical
d. General

93. Correctly spelt word.
a. Arobicks
b. Aerobics
c. Arrobics
d. Aerrobics

94. Add a prefix to the word to get its opposite meaning:
a. il
b. ir
c. in
d. im

95. Change into indirect speech:
‘Are you all right?’, I asked my children.
a. I asked my children are they all right.
b. I asked my children are you all right.
c. I enquired of my children are you all right.
d. I asked my children if they were all right.

96. The _____ of trustees
a. Panel
b. Group
c. Bench
d. Board

97. Antonym of the underlined word:
She can’t attend office as she’s unwell.
a. Indisposed
b. Unhealthy
c. Fit
d. Ailing

98. The treaty brought about an end to the war among belligerent nation.
Antonym of ‘belligerent’:
a. Peaceful
b. Generous
c. Magnanimous
d. Calmly

99. Our chairman speaks English _____ well.
a. Besides
b. Hardly
c. Quite
d. Enough

100. ‘Trespass’ meansa.

a. Leave without permission
b. Leave with permission
c. Enter without permission
d. Enter with permission

101. State the function of the sentence:
The job seekers must register at the employment office in the first week of next
a. Giving an information
b. Stating a fact
c. Giving an information for action
d. Giving an order

102. Synonym of ‘applaud’:
a. Admire
b. Apply
c. Appeal
d. Awful

103. It all happened suddenly.
The opposite of ‘suddenly’ isa. Abruptly
b. Quietly
c. Momentarily
d. Gradually

104. Turn into a negative sentence:
All must submit to death.
a. Everyone cannot escape death.
b. No one fails to die.
c. No one can escape death.
d. All cannot escape death.

105. Choose the correct sentence.
a. Each girl and each boy have dressed in a new dress.
b. Each girl and each boy were dressed in a new dress.
c. Each girl and each boy are dressed in a new dress.
d. Each girl and each boy is dressed in a new dress.

106. He and I am well.
Correct the error:
a. Is
b. Are
c. Was
d. Am

107. Show the road. The road leads to Delhi.
Join the sentences with a suitable linker.
a. Who
b. Which
c. When
d. Whom

108. Change the voice:
Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin.
a. Penicillin had been discovered Alexander Fleming.
b. Penicillin was discovered by Alexander Fleming.
c. Penicillin has been discovered by Alexander Fleming.
d. Penicillin had being discovered by Alexander Fleming.

109. Choose the sentence which is correct.
a. He may be poor, else he is honest.
b. He is poor but he is honest.
c. He is either poor or honest.
d. He is poor in spite of being honest.

110. Every nation of the world has been continuously trying to bring about a new
social system by eradicating _____ from its soil.
a. Poor
b. Impoverish
c. Poverty
d. Poorly

111. P: where Homer
Q: was born
R: the great poet
S: nobody knows
Put them in right order to form a meaningful sentence.

112. Synonym of ‘audacity’:
a. Strength
b. Boldness
c. Solidity
d. Courage

113. The place where bricks are baked is calleda.

A cemetery
b. A kiln
c. A mint
d. A foundry

114. Fill in the blank with the simple past tense form:
You _____ (not see) me yesterday.
a. Did not see
b. Did not saw
c. Did not seen
d. Could not saw

115. A document written by hand is

a. An article
b. A book
c. A magazine
d. A manuscript

116. The audience _____ requested to take their seats.
a. Has
b. Is
c. Are
d. Be

117. This is ____ unique chance for students to get a training in computer
a. The
b. From
c. An
d. A

118. ‘I gave him a piece of my mind’ means

a. I advised him.
b. I scolded him.
c. I sympathized with him.
d. I loved him.

119. The correct meaning of the idiom ‘bed of roses’ isa. A newly laid garden of roses
b. Beautiful objects
c. Very colourful
d. An easy and comfortable situation

120. The headmaster with all the teachers of his school ____ arrived.
a. Has
b. Have
c. Was
d. Can

121. He set aside all objections and granted the prayer.
a. Hate
b. deny
c. Disregarded
d. Accept

122. Change into indirect speech:
They said, ‘We are happy.’
a. They said we are happy.
b. They said that they were happy.
c. We said that they are happy.
d. They said that they want to be happy.

123. While the sun shines, ______.
a. Go away
b. Collect all
c. Make hay
d. Complete all

124. Synonym of ‘wrap’-
a. Costly
b. Cover
c. Create
d. Connect

125. To be very pale in appearance is as pale asa. Snow
b. Marble
c. Hare
d. Ghost

126. I cannot account _____ his absence.
a. For
b. To
c. Into
d. In

127. Replace the underlined word.
Give me this instead of that.
a. In quest of
b. In lieu of
c. In defiance of
d. In point of

128. They had suffered their share of misfortune.
a. Disappointment
b. Inconvenience
c. Prosperity
d. Adversity

129. I am aware ____ his motive.
a. To
b. Of
c. From
d. On

130. Which ‘wh’ form is applicable, to make the following assertive sentence, a
proper interrogative sentence?
My father is a teacher.
a. Which
b. Why
c. What
d. Where

131. Great books deal ____ problems of life persistently unsolved.
a. With
b. In
c. About
d. On

132. Strike while the _____.
a. Healer is there
b. Iron is hot
c. Everything is ready
d. Men are here

133. He was so excited that he could hardly speak.
The opposite of ‘excited’ is

a. Unhappy
b. Calm
c. Sorrowful
d. None of these

134. Which of the following sentences is correctly punctuated?
a. We are giving a little party, on Monday next.
b. We are giving a little party on Monday next.
c. We are, giving, a little party, on Monday next.
d. We are giving a little party, on, Monday next.

135. The word ‘dwell’ means

a. Stay
b. Leave
c. Help
d. Go

136. He persisted ____ hoping against hope.
a. In
b. On
c. With
d. For

137. The relics of the Mughal empire are ____ in India.
a. Extant
b. Extent
c. Extend
d. None of these

138. Truth is stranger than _____.
a. Lie
b. Intelligence
c. Inspiration
d. Fiction

139. He could not check his temper.
a. Hold in
b. Hold on
c. Hold to
d. Hold with

140. The soldiers attacked the enemy.
a. Fell into
b. Fell behind
c. Fell back
d. Fell on

141. A person who mends shoes is a

a. Cobbler
b. Shopper
c. Repairer
d. Grocer

142. Written notes used by a lawyer appearing in a court is

a. Eulogy
b. Brief
c. Blue book
d. Communique

143. Antonym of ‘vulgar’-
a. Noble
b. Decent
c. Light
d. Feel

144. I entered the train.
a. Got at
b. Got down
c. Got in
d. Got into

145. His brother is just the opposite.
a. Different
b. Apposite
c. Reverse
d. None of these

146. Among the following four, choose where a dialogue is found:
a. Almirah
b. Book
c. Board
d. Chair

147. Nobody has been arrested _______.
a. Till tomorrow
b. As yet
c. In front
d. At the backside

148. If Ram ____ helped him, he would have passed.
a. Had
b. Will have
c. Has
d. Would have

149. Antonym of ‘reach’:
a. Come
b. Go
c. Depart
d. Ready

150. People generally want ____.
a. Piece
b. Peace
c. Peas
d. Pieces

151. _____ is the spice of life.
a. Fun
b. Beauty
c. Variety
d. Honesty

152. Which ‘wh’ form is applicable, to make the following assertive sentence, a
proper interrogative sentence:
I shall go to Delhi tomorrow.
a. Which
b. When
c. Who
d. What

153. Antonym of ‘superior’:
a. Junior
b. Inferior
c. Small
d. Big

154. Which of the following sentences is correctly punctuated?
a. The educative value of travelling is also too great.
b. The, educative value, of traveling is also too great.
c. The educative value of travelling, is also too great.
d. The educative value of travelling is also too great!

155. The word ‘portable’ is used to describe something ____.
a. Movable
b. Potable
c. Breakable
d. Drinkable

156. I must start my packing.
a. Set about
b. Set in
c. Set forth
d. Set upon

157. After reaching the station, we found that the train ____.
a. Left
b. Has left
c. Is leaving
d. Had left

158. The trees are far ____ the house.
a. To
b. or
c. From
d. On

159. Change into indirect speech.
I said to the boy, ‘I like you.’
a. I told the boy that I liked him.
b. That I liked the boy I told him.
c. I liked the boy I told that to him.
d. The boy was liked by me.

160. We live in deeds _____.
a. Many years
b. Not in years
c. Saves nine
d. You reap

161. We have free access ____ the library.
a. To
b. For
c. Into
d. An

162. There is _____ between the cup and the lips.
a. Many a slips
b. Many a slip
c. Many touches
d. Touches

163. He has put aside a good sum of money.
a. Saved
b. Keep
c. Help
d. Reserve

164. OWS: An unknown person
a. Fried
b. Foe
c. Stranger
d. Reserve

165. Synonym of ‘cheerful’:
a. Happy
b. Free
c. Envy
d. Poor

166. Flocks of sheep jostled and bleated in the street.
a. Pushed roughly
b. Quarreled
c. Fought
d. Opposed

167. Swimming is beneficial ____ health.
a. On
b. For
c. To
d. Upon

168. Many children develop fears of imaginary dangers.
a. Absurd
b. Fanciful
c. Plentiful
d. Cheap

169. Antonym of ‘increase’:
a. Excess
b. Decrease
c. Wide
d. More

170. ‘Quilt’ is associated with

a. Bed
b. Bus
c. Seat
d. Lady

171. Some workers of the factory _____.
a. Fell ill
b. Safer places
c. At home
d. Swallowed

172. She has been devoid of food for three days.
a. Going off
b. Going behind
c. Going without
d. Going against

173. The photos made him look attractive.
Antonym of the underlined word:
a. Inactive
b. Indecent
c. Prohibitive
d. Repulsive

174. Synonym of ‘yearn’:
a. Ear
b. Longing
c. Want
d. Obey

175. The boy is not _____.
a. Man
b. Normal
c. Defective
d. Wall

176. Students should not _____ unfair means.
a. Adept
b. Adapt
c. Adopt
d. None of these

177. He lives ____ honest means.
a. From
b. On
c. By
d. With

178. Choose the correct spelling.
a. Benefited
b. Benifited
c. Benefetted
d. Benifitted

179. What is the time ____ your watch now?
a. In
b. By
c. On
d. At

180. The cat chased the rat.
a. Made at
b. Made after
c. Made over
d. Made off

181. The trees are far ____ the house.
a. To
b. Or
c. From
d. On


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