Idioms and Phrases MCQ

Idioms and Phrases MCQ

Most Important MCQ on  Idioms and Phrases

Idioms and Phrases MCQ
Idioms and Phrases MCQ

Idioms and Phrases MCQ: আজ আমরা খুব গুরুত্বপূর্ণ কিছু ইডিয়ম (Most Impoertant Idioms and Phrases MCQ)শেয়ার করছি।  আসন্ন সব প্রতিযোগিতা মূলক পরীক্ষার জন্য এই Idioms and Phrases MCQ খুবই উপযোগী। তাই নিচের MCQ গুলি মনোযোগ সহকারে পরে নিন আর আসন্ন পরীক্ষাতে কোয়ালাফাই করুন খুব সহজে।

Most Important Idioms and Phrases MCQ


1. Call up means

Answer is A)


2. Gift of the gab means

Answer is C)


3. To cut off a corner

Answer is C)
to take a short cut


4. Bag of bones

Answer is C)
emaciated being, extremely weak person


5. A capital idea

Answer is A)
excellent, first rate idea


6. In season and out of season

Answer is D)
at suitable times and at unsiotable times


7. Ready Money

Answer is C)
to count or depend upon


8. Red handed

Answer is C)
in the very act of committing a crime


9. Tooth and nail

Answer is C)
with all possible vigour and fury


10. To set one’s face against

Answer is B)
To oppose with determination


11. To hit the nail right on the head

Answer is A)
To do the right thing.


12. To smell a rat

Answer is C)
To suspect foul dealings .


13.A man of straw

Answer is A)
A man of no substance .


14. A black sheep

Answer is D)
None of these.


15.To beg the question

Answer is B)
To take for granted.


16.To leave someone in the lurch

Answer is D)
To desert someone in his difficulties.


17. To pick holes

Answer is C)
To criticise someone .


18.To put one’s hand to plough

Answer is B)
To take a difficult task.


19.To be above board

Answer is B)
To be honest in any business deal.


20.To end in smoke

Answer is B)
To ruin oneself

21. To cry wolf

Answer is B)
To give false alarm.


22. To have an axe to grind

Answer is A)
A private end to serve.


23. To drive home

Answer is D)
To emphasise.


24. To keeps one’s temper

Answer is B)
To be in good mood.


25. To make clean breast of

Answer is C)
To confess without of reserve.


This Page Contains: idioms and phrases,  MCQ on idioms, most important idioms, mcq practice set idioms.


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