Books and Authors
Important Books & Authors Updated List
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Books and Authors List |
Books and Authors List: আজ আমরা ১০০ টি গুরুত্বপূর্ণ বিখ্যাত বই এবং লেখক সম্পর্কে একটি Books and Authors List শেয়ার করছি । (List of Important Books and Authors ) যেকোনো প্রতিযোগিতা মূলক পরীক্ষা যেমন WBCS, SSC, WB PSC, CTET, WB Primary TET, Upper Primary TET ইত্যাদি পরীক্ষাতে Books and Authors List এই টপিক থেকে প্রশ্ন আসতে দেখা যায়।
Books and Authors List
Books | Authors |
David Copperfield | Charles Dickens |
Hamlet | William Shakespeare |
West Land | T.S Eliot |
The Rime of the Ancient Mariner | Samuel Taylor Coleridge |
Wealth and Nation | Adam Smith |
Das Capital | Karl Mark |
Vanity Fair | W.M Thackeray |
Animal Farm | George Orwell |
Prince | Machiavelli |
Dialogues | Plato |
Republic | Plato |
For Whom the Bell Tolls | Ernest Hemingway |
Freedom | Bertrand Russell |
Tempest | William Shakespeare |
A Long Walk to Freedom | Nelson Mandela |
Memories of the Second World War | Winston Churchill |
Robinson Crusoe | Jonathon Swift |
Main Kemp | Ad loaf Hitler |
Sons and Lovers, The Rainbow | D.H Lawrence |
Oliver Twist | Charles Dickens |
Odyssey | Homer |
Pilgrim’s Progress | John Bunyan |
Mother | Maxim Gorky |
In Memoriam | Lord Alfred Tennyson |
Ulysses | Lord Alfred Tennyson |
As You Like it | William Shakespeare |
Measure and Measure | William Shakespeare |
A pair of Blue Eyes | Thomas Hardy |
Isabella | John Keats |
Sense and Sensibility | Jane Austen |
Kublai Khan | Samuel Taylor Coleridge |
Paradise Lost | John Milton |
King Lear | William Shakespeare |
Roots | Alex Haley |
Emma | Jane Austen |
Great Expectations | Charles Dickens |
To Skylark | P. B Shelly |
The Tale of Two Cities | Charles Dickens |
Lycidas | John Milton |
Ode to the West Wind | P.B Shelly |
The Merchant of Venice | William Shakespeare |
Prelude | William Wordsworth |
The Rape of the Lock | Alexander Pope |
Time Machine | H. W Wells |
Pride and Prejudice | Jane Austen |
Scholar Gipsy | Matthew Arnold |
Tess of the D’Urbervilles | Thomas Hardy |
Try and Try Again | W.E Hick son |
All’s Well that Ends Well | William Shakespeare |
The Return of the Native | Thomas Hardy |
Jungle Book | Rudyard Kipling |
The Alchemist | Ben Jonson |
Anna Karenina | Leo Tolstoy |
Tom Jones | Henry Fielding |
Seven Seas | Rudyard Kipling |
Origin of Species | Charles Darwin |
Utopia | Sir Thomas Moore |
Discovery of India | Johor Lal Nehru |
Romeo and Juliet | William Shakespeare |
Asian Drama | Gunner Myrdal |
Twelfth Night | William Shakespeare |
The Old Man and The Sea | Ernest Hemingway |
Top Secret | Henry Fielding |
Caesar and Cleopatra | George Bernard Shaw |
Voyage of Lilliput | Jonathon Swift |
Round The Eighty Days | Jules Verne |
Julius Caesar | William Shakespeare |
God of the Small Things | Arundhati Roy |
Voyage of Lilliput | Jonathon Swift |
Man and Superman | George Bernard Shaw |
War and Peace | Leo Tolstoy |
Wuthering Heights | Emile Bronte |
Marriage and Moral | Bertrand Russell |
The Way of the World | William Congreve |
Waiting For Godot | Samuel Becket |
Gulliver’s Travels | Jonathan Swift |
Blue Bird | Lord Alfred Tennyson |
Silent Women | Ben Johnson |
Heaven and Earth | Lord Byron |
India Wins Freedom | Abul Kalam Azad |
Things Fall Apart | Chinua Achebe |
Othello | William Shakespeare |
Dictionary | Samuel Johnson |
Adonis | P. B Shelly |
A Passage to India | E M Forster |
A Midsummer’s Nights Dream | William Shakespeare |
Volpone | Ben Jonson |
Macbeth | William Shakespeare |
Politics | Aristotle |
A Farewell to Arms | Ernest Hemingway |
Samson Agonists | John Milton |
A Brief History Of Time | Stephen Hawking |
Dr. Faustus | Christopher Marlowe |
Crime and Punishment | Dostoevsky |
Don Juan | Lord Byron |
Akbar Nama | Abul Fazal |
Divine Comedy | Dante |
Canterbury Tales | Geoffrey Chaucer |
Iliad | Homer |
Comedy of Errors | William Shakespeare |
Paradise Regained | John Milton |
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